
Procedure Design Consulting
With our specialized expertise and years of experience, we can advise on almost any factor that affects, or is affected by, instrument procedure design.

This includes:

Aviation Software Development Consulting

We have developed and evolved different tools that support instrument procedure development including Pathfinder, our aeronautical geodesic calculator and Final Approach™, our instrument procedure design tool. As a result, we can provide expert advice on the implementation of complex, three dimensional geodesic algorithms.

Adjacent Land Development (Airport Impact) Issues Consulting

For the airport owner/operator, we can help you mitigate the impact of development on lands adjacent to your airport. We can support your efforts to review the development plans with a view to having them amended. In the event that the development plans are already approved, we can develop strategies to minimize their impact.

Airport Development (Adjacent Land Development Impact) Issues Consulting

For the developer of property adjacent to an airport such as buildings, wind turbine farms, etc., we can help you to create development plans that minimize their impact on airport operations.

Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) Consulting

For AIS organizations, we can help with data creation, management and verification as well as flight checking instrument procedures and visual aids.

Airspace Management Consulting

We can perform airspace optimization for airports and procedure development.